Sello Rojo Throughout Latin America
Take a tour through all the regions our coffee is brewed
While Sello Rojo’s 90 year history in Colombia is well established, our connection to the rest of Latin America is less known. Sello Rojo happens to be the #2 coffee brand in Nicaragua and Panama, and those countries have rich, diverse coffee traditions just like Colombia. Read below to learn interesting facts about Nicaragua and Panama, and look forward to future recipe content and recommendations highlighting Latin American coffee!

Coffee is hugely important to Nicaragua’s economy. The coffee industry represents a whopping 20% of the national GDP and 50% of all agricultural labor.

The COVID-19 pandemic, along with back to back Hurricanes Eta and Iota in November 2020, greatly impacted Nicaragua’s coffee farmers and economy.

Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America, with a rich but often overlooked history.

El Güegüense is a uniquely Nicaraguan art form that takes inspiration from Indigenous and Spanish theatrical, musical and literary traditions.

While Panama is not widely known for their coffee production, Panamanians drink more coffee on average than most coffee producing countries.

Panama’s official language is Spanish, but English is widely spoken, along with seven major indigenous languages including Naso, Ngäbe, and Buglé.

The annual toll revenue for the Panama Canal, one of the largest and most important waterways of its kind, is nearly 2 billion dollars each year.

Reggaeton, one of the world’s most popular styles of music, originated in Panama in the 1980s when Jamaican and West Indian workers immigrated and began performing Reggae en Español.

Panama City is the only major city in the world surrounded by a rainforest- check out the Metropolitan National Park.